Wondering why pool water clear but green tint? Just because the pool water is clear, that doesn’t mean it’s clean. In reality, if you took a dip in a pool with green tinted water, you’d be in for quite a shock.
When it comes to pool ownership, it’s easy to get distracted by the fun and forget about the maintenance. Don’t let your clear blue pool water turn cloudy green! In this blog, we’ll discuss why your pool water might have a green tint, and what you can do about it. So dive in and let’s get started on keeping that pool crystal clear.
Why Pool water clear but green tint?

Pool water that is clear but has a noticeable green tint can be caused by one of two main factors.
1. Algae
The most common cause of green-tinted pool water is algae, which makes the water look a little hazy and cloudy, similar to how clouds disperse sunlight.
Algae may sneak into a pool via rain or wind, tracking in dirt and grime to small amounts of water on the sides of your pool. Additionally, your filtration system could just not be running correctly and could need maintenance or an upgraded filter in order to perform correctly enough to keep the algae from developing in your pool. The best way to prevent algae from growing is by regularly shocked your pool throughout its seasonal use.
2. Iron or copper
Another reason may be trace amounts of metals such as iron or copper in the swimming pool.
If the green tint persists despite regular maintenance, then it would be wise to have your water tested for metal content. When metals such as copper, iron and manganese are present in greater concentrations than ideal (usually caused by its source such as groundwater), chlorine reacts with these metals to form insoluble materials that appear in the form of a hazy layer suspended within the waters surface acting like algae growth but far more persistent.
How do you get rid of a green tint in the water?

If you have noticed a green tint to your water, you may be wondering how to get rid of it. A green tint in the water can appear due to an abundance of iron, copper, manganese, sediment or algae in the water. Fortunately, there are several ways to treat and eliminate the green tint from your water.
1. Algae causing Green tint in the water
A green tint in the water of your pool is most likely due to algae blooms growing in the water. Algae cells can be found naturally in pools and are usually kept under control by chlorine, but warmer weather and high levels of organic matter can cause blooms to form quickly and create an unappealing color.
There are several steps you can take to address this issue and restore your pool’s clarity because of algae:
- Make sure you are maintaining balanced pH levels (7.2-7.8) so that your chlorine works effectively against algae.
- Shock treat–increase chlorine levels temporarily to kill off any active algae growth. Turn up the pool filter after shocking so that dead organisms are removed from the pool quickly–any algae particles left behind may restart the bloom cycle in just a few days or even hours.
- Clean or replace your filter cartridge–large scale cleaning of filters or replacement of cartridges can remove dead organisms as well as dirt or other debris that may be causing cloudy water conditions, which could be contributing to the green tint problem in the first place..
- Run the filter for longer periods—make sure you’re running it long enough to adequately clean out any debris from your pool water during each cycle, especially if high organic content has been identified as a contributor to algal blooms in the past
- Super chlorinate – boost sanitizer levels higher than normal (potentially up to four times normal levels) for a prolonged period–this will help remove potential food sources for new blooms while killing off established ones
- Use an algaecide designed specifically for killing off existing algal growth (Make sure any chemical additions comply with local regulatory guidelines).
2. Iron or copper
Do you have a green tint in your pool water that won’t go away? It may be caused by Iron or copper in the water.
Iron is most commonly found in well water, and it can cause a green tint if the levels are too high. Copper can also create this problem as it typically accumulates from corrosion of metal equipment and fixtures, such as ladders, diving boards, heating elements, and other metals.
If you think your pool may have too much iron or copper present, then testing the levels should be your first step. Test kits can be purchased at many local stores or online to determine if there is an issue with Iron or copper in the pool water. Once you know what’s causing the green tint, you’ll need to follow a treatment plan to get rid of it quickly and safely.
Metal remover treatments are essential for any pool owner. These treatments help keep your pool clean and healthy, by removing unwanted metals that can build up in the water. Metal particles, such as iron and copper, can cause discoloration of the pool water and they also affect the pH balance of the water. Therefore, regular metal remover treatments are an important part of maintaining a beautiful, safe swimming environment.
One effective way to remove metals from a pool is by using a chelating agent in combination with an algaecide or clarifier. Chelating agents work by forming bonds with metal ions so that they become less available for reaction in the water column and can be filtered out more easily.
In addition to being effective at removing metals from pools, this treatment also helps reduce existing algae growth which can further prevent algae buildup over time.
By using metal remover treatments and adding additional filtration aid chemicals you can restore clearer waters without changing any current pH levels within.
What Makes Algae Grow?

Algae are living organisms that exist almost everywhere on earth. The main factors that cause algae to grow rapidly in a swimming pool environment are sun, temperature and nutrients.
When all these elements are in balance, and the pool is receiving an adequate amount of sunlight, algae can bloom out of control, leaving unsightly green patches on the bottom of the pool.
To prevent algae from forming, it’s important to keep your pool chemicals properly balanced at all times. The pH level should stay between 7.2 and 7.8 and chlorine levels should be kept between 1-3 parts per million (ppm). Additionally, make sure to regularly test for phosphates, nitrogen compounds and nitrates — all of which can provide food for algae growth in your pool water if left unchecked.
In addition to regularly monitoring your water chemistry, it’s also important to clean your pool filter on a regular basis and remove any dead leaf material or organic matter from the bottom of the pool. By doing these simple maintenance chores on a regular basis you will help keep your swimming experience free from pesky green blooms!
How Do You Prevent Green Pool Water?

Typically, the cause of a green pool together with a cloudy appearance is due to algae growth or foreign material such as sand, leaves and other debris. Keeping your pool clean and free of debris are useful steps for preventing green water. Chemical treatments, filtration and circulation will also help improve water clarity.
1. Chemical treatments
Chemical treatments can be used to prevent or correct green color in your pool. Maintaining the correct levels of sanitizer such as chlorine and pH help reduce algae growth while algaecides can help reduce an already existing problem.
Shock treatment can help destroy harmful bacteria and contaminants that have entered your pool resulting in clearer water. Test kits can be used to monitor water chemistry and corrective action taken when necessary.
2. Filtration & Circulation maintenance
Flow, filtration and circulation play an important role in keeping your pool water healthy too by removing debris from it. It is recommended to run filters every day to ensure trapped particles do not get re-circulated into the pool again causing poor visibility due to cloudy water caused by bacteria left behind after swimming or jumping into the pool.
Additionally, backwashing filters can help remove dirt particles which helps keep algae away from forming on walls or floors. When filtering it is important that the filter is functioning properly — this means making sure screens are in place and running at the correct speed for maximum efficiency without creating excess corrosion on equipment from too much pressure or suction force on walls of PEX pipes in circulation system leading to other problems during operation of your swimming pool .
What naturally kills algae in a pool?
Algae are a common problem in pools, and the most common type of algae is green or yellow-green. While sometimes caused by lack of chlorine in the pool water, it can also be caused by an overabundance of nutrients like phosphates from leaves and other organic matter that have entered the pool. Therefore, killing algae in a pool requires more than just adding additional chlorine—it requires addressing the root cause of algae growth and restoring balance to the pool’s ecosystem.
Some natural ways to kill algae are:
- Use metal sequestrants. Metal sequestrants bind with metals like iron that may be present in your swimming pool water and convert them into a safe form that inhibits algal growth.
- Introduce beneficial bacteria or enzymes. These can consume organic pollutants in your pool water and make it harder for algae to grow.
- Utilize Ultraviolet light (UV) treatment systems, which directly kills all types of microorganisms, including bacteria and viruses as well as algae on contact. This prevents them from reproducing further, reducing their numbers until they are eliminated entirely from your pool water.
- Reduce phosphates as much as possible by maintaining proper pH levels around 7.2 – 7.6 with attention to total alkalinity and calcium hardness levels, adding phosphate removers to rapidly reduce phosphate levels if necessary.
How to clear green pool water fast
Green pool water is most likely caused by an overgrowth of algae. There are a few steps you can take to clear your pool quickly.
- First, check the chlorine and pH levels in your pool and bring them to the appropriate levels. If the chlorine is too low, shock treatment with chlorine can clear up the algae blooms in as little as 2-3 days.
- Second, use an algaecide to create a hostile environment for algae growth. This may require more than one treatment but should give you clearer water within the week.
- Third, check for proper circulation in your pool due to a faulty pump or filter system and be certain that all of your skimmers are clean and unclogged if necessary.
- Lastly, use a vacuum or cleaner designed specifically for green pools; this will quickly break down the particles disrupting your clarity. Following these steps should give you crystal clear pool water in no time!
Green pool water not algae
Swimming pools come in different shapes and sizes and are filled with water from numerous sources. Although it is not easy to identify the exact cause of green pool water without first conducting an analysis, there are some common potential causes. A green tint to your pool water means algae is likely not growing, but mineral contamination from metal sources such as iron, copper, or manganese may be present.
In addition to mineral contamination, green pool water can be caused by leaves and debris that have become putrefied in the skimmer or faint staining due to high alkalinity levels. It could also occur due to certain chemicals becoming over-concentrated in the pool such as cyanuric acid or borate and improper pH levels.
Before diving in headlong into a chlorine shock and other methods of treatment, it is important to conduct an analysis of your water because it will help you determine what is causing the green tinge. Addressing any chemical imbalances will help restore a crystal-clear finish to your swimming pool without any further health risks for swimmers.
Does pool shock clear up algae?
Pool shock, also known as chlorine shock, is a great choice for clarifying and disinfecting cloudy pool water. It is used to remove substances such as algae, bacteria, oils and other contaminants that cause pool water to turn green or cloudy. Pool shock works by introducing a high concentration of chlorine into the pool to oxidize and break down contaminants. It helps to raise the pH level of the pool as well as sanitize it.
Pool shock does not directly clarify the green tint in your swimming pool water — it is treating the chlorine levels and bacteria present that are causing it. Once all of the contaminants have been broken down and removed from the water, then the green tint will begin to lighten naturally, resulting in crystal clear water.
Pool shock should always be used following manufacturer’s instructions carefully for best results. The absolute maximum amount of shock that can be used in a swimming pool per 20,000 gallons is 4 lbs., while 1-2lbs is more common depending on how bad your contamination issue is.
Is It Safe to Swim in a Pool After Shocking It?
Shocking a pool is a necessary part of pool maintenance, but it’s something many people don’t prioritize. It is important to shock the pool when the chlorine levels begin to drop and you start to notice a green tint in the water. The process of shocking kills bacteria, as well as algae and other contaminants that have made their way into your pool water.
Once pool shock is added to your pool, it’s important to wait at least 24 hours before swimming in order for the shock to work properly. If you swim too soon after shocking your pool, there could be chlorine residual in your eyes, nose and throat which can increase irritation for swimmers who may already have sensitive skin and eyes.
Wait for 24 hours after adding the shocking agent, then test the water and check for elevated chlorine levels before jumping into your newly clean and clear pool.
Why is my pool green with high chlorine?
High chlorine levels in a pool can cause the water to have a green tint even if the pool remains clear. This is commonly caused when the pool is allowed to reach high pH levels and alkalinity levels, which in turn leads to algae growth. Algae can be very difficult to eradicate and it can take time, effort and a variety of treatments to fully rid your pool of this common problem.
The first course of action should be to test your chlorine levels as well as other chemical factors such as pH and alkalinity. Ensure that each of these values is within acceptable range (7.2-7.6 for pH, 80-120ppm for total alkalinity) before attempting any other treatment. If the values are too high or too low, use appropriate chemicals to adjust them accordingly and allow the water to sit before continuing with other courses of action.
If adjusting your chemical values does not clear up the problem, then you may need to shock your pool by adding an additional amount of chlorine until it reaches an appropriate level (4-10ppm). This will help kill any remaining algae in the water and get it back into balance before returning it back into normal use conditions.
Lastly, practice proper maintenance procedures after clearing up your algae issue so that you prevent further problems from occurring in the future by keeping all chemical values within their proper ranges along with regularly cleaning out all filters and vacuuming away any debris that may have settled at the bottom over time.