Nespresso Blinking Orange Twice (Why and How to Solve)


Wondering why Nespresso Blinking Orange Twice? The Nespresso line of appliances is ingeniously crafted, providing diverse designs and functions. Their primary focus is on streamlining your morning routine for maximum efficiency. Imagine preparing for your initial cup of coffee when the Nespresso machine’s light suddenly flashes orange. What could be the reason for this unexpected occurrence?

The orange light serves as a signal for an issue that requires attention. However, it is not advisable to process this information when one is half-asleep and has yet to have caffeine. The Nespresso machine could be experiencing various problems when the orange light blinks.

Fortunately, this is a common occurrence on kitchen situation, and we will discuss the reasons for the light and how to troubleshoot them effectively today.

What is a Nespresso machine, and how does it work?

To produce coffee Nespresso machine uses espresso capsules and heats water that is then forced through the capsule. The machines come in various types, but all use espresso capsules. Reading the instruction manual for each Machine’s unique features and proper usage is important.

How to use a Nespresso Machine?

Every Nespresso machine model has its own instructions, so it’s important to refer to the instruction manual provided to understand how to operate your particular Machine. However, here is a general paraphrase of the steps involved in using a Nespresso machine:

  1. Fill the water tank at the back of the Machine with cold water.
  2. Insert an espresso capsule into the designated slot on the top of the Machine.
  3. Close the lever and allow the Machine to heat up. The front light will turn green to indicate that it’s ready.
  4. Press down on the lever to start the espresso extraction process.
  5. Once the desired amount of espresso has been dispensed, lift the lever to stop the extraction.
  6. Remove the cup from under the spout and enjoy your espresso.

Remember to consult the instructions provided with your Nespresso machine for accurate and detailed guidance on its usage.

What type of Nespresso machine do you have?

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Let’s identify which Nespresso machine you own and whether this article is relevant before we delve into fixing the blinking orange light issue. We need to determine whether you have an OriginalLine or VertuoLine machine to avoid wasting your time.

The primary difference between these two lines is that the VertuoLine uses centrifugal brewing, while the OriginalLine does not. Introduced in 2014, the VertuoLine brews coffee using a pod that spins at 7000 rotations per minute, resulting in a more prosperous and fuller-flavored cup of coffee. 

Don’t worry if you need clarification on which line your Machine belongs to; we’ll assist you in figuring it out. Don’t forget using Lead Free Coffee Mugs Made in USA.

1. Nespresso OriginalLine Machine

In 2004, the Nespresso OriginalLine was launched as a compact, user-friendly coffee machine producing excellent coffee. However, unlike the VertuoLine, it lacks advanced features. The Citizen, Pixie, Inissia, and Essenza Mini are some of the popular models in the OriginalLine that cost between $100 and $200. Identifying an OriginalLine Nespresso machine is easy as its coffee capsules are small and uniform in size.

2. Nespresso VertuoLine Machine

In 2014, the VertuoLine was launched, and, as previously stated, it utilizes centrifugal brewing. The coffee pods rotate at a high velocity to extract the full flavor from the coffee beans.

The Evoluo, Vertuo, and VertuoPlus are among the popular models in this line, with prices ranging from $200 to $400. One way to identify a VertuoLine machine is by the Nespresso pods, which are bigger than those used in the OriginalLine and come in various sizes for different coffee beverages.

Why is my Nespresso Blinking Orange Twice?

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Hence, it cannot be very pleasant when a Nespresso machine starts flashing. These machines come equipped with light-based indicators that signal when something is amiss. The orange light indicates an issue with the Nespresso Vertuo Next, Vertuo, and Evoluo machines, while the VertuoPlus and VertuoPlus Deluxe display a red light. Thankfully, there are some common reasons why the orange light may flash.

A blinking orange light on your Nespresso machine is often due to it being unclean and requiring proper descaling or cleaning. Low water levels, overheating, or capsule blockages may also be contributing factors.

Error Codes and How to fix Blinking Orange Nespresso Machines

As previously stated, Nespresso’s orange light flashing can be caused by various factors. Let us now delve into the detailed solutions for these issues.

1. Nespresso Flashing Orange Two Times Per-second (Cleaning Needed)

If your Nespresso machine’s orange light blinks twice, it indicates that you need to clean the machine thoroughly. Follow the steps below to address the issue:

  • Open the Machine’s head to remove any used capsules that may be present.
  • Use a paper towel or cloth to clean the various parts of the Machine gently.
  • Clean the area where coffee capsules are inserted and all the movable components of the Machine using the cloth.
  • Empty and rinse the water reservoir. Refill it with fresh water to prevent the accumulation of contaminants.
  • Clean the cup holder and position a larger cup beneath the coffee spout to drain any remaining liquid.
  • Empty the capsule container and rinse it with water.
  • Close the Machine’s head and securely lock it by turning it to the left.

By following these steps, you can address the issue indicated by the blinking orange light on your Nespresso machine.

If the orange error message blinks even after cleaning the Machine, press and hold the button for seven seconds. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, attempt descaling to clean the interior thoroughly. If the problem persists, seek assistance from Nespresso customer support to troubleshoot further.

2. Nespresso Blinking Orange Three Times Then Steady (Descaling Needed)

If your Nespresso machine flashes an orange light three times per second, it must be descaled. Descaling is important to eliminate any mineral or contaminant build-up from the water used for coffee brewing. Check also: Best Coffee Grinder Made in USA.

Although vinegar can also be used for descaling, it is recommended to use Nespresso’s descaling solutions. Refer to this article to learn how to prepare and use a descaling solution. However, if the Machine blinks even after descaling, you need to exit the descaling mode.

3. Pulsing Orange Light on Nespresso Machine (Overheated)

Frequent use of your Machine may cause it to overheat, indicated by a pulsing orange light. To cool it down:

  1. Press the button for three seconds to turn it off.
  2. Wait for 20 to 60 minutes before turning it back on.
  3. If the overheating persists, press the button for seven seconds to reset the Machine.

4. Nespresso Blinks 2 Times In 1 Second and Then Off (Check the Capsule Holder)

While preparing coffee:

Ensure the Machine is securely locked and a new, undamaged coffee capsule is correctly inserted. If the light continues to be illuminated, try inserting a fresh coffee pod, locking it in place, and pressing the button.

During the descaling process:

While descaling or cleaning the Machine, ensure that it is properly locked and that there are no capsules inside. Press and hold the button for approximately 3 seconds to power off the Machine. Press the button again to turn it back on. If the light continues to flash, disconnect the Machine from the power outlet.

Wait 10 seconds before plugging it back in, then switch it on again.

5. Nespresso Blinks Orange for 1.5 Seconds and Then Off For 0.5 Seconds

The Machine’s water reservoir is empty when this condition arises. The Machine cannot function properly and starts flashing orange when the water level is low. To resolve this issue, remove the water tank and fill it with filtered water to minimize the build-up of contaminants and aid in the cleaning and descaling process.

6. Nespresso Blinks for 5 Times Per 10 Seconds

Occasionally, it may be necessary to restore your Machine. If this occurs, you will notice the orange light blinking ten times within 5 seconds. There is no need to panic as this situation can be easily resolved. Follow these steps to restore your Machine:

  • Open the Nespresso head.
  • Remove the used capsule and close the head.
  • Keep the lever unlocked; do not lock it.
  • Press the Lungo button five times consecutively within a timeframe of 3 seconds.
  • The Machine’s orange light will blink five times, indicating it has been restored.
  • You can now enjoy your regular drinks as usual.

7. Nespresso Blink Orange Light 3 Times Per-second (Descale the Machine)

When you notice the orange light blinking rapidly at a rate of three times per second, it indicates that it’s time to either descale your Machine or empty the used capsule container. If it’s the latter, it’s a simple solution of emptying and rinsing the capsule container before replacing it.

For descaling your Machine, you will need approximately 20 minutes. We will discuss how to descale a Nespresso machine in detail later in this article. The process involves running a descaling solution through the Machine to eliminate mineral build-up.

We suggest using the Nespresso descaling kit that is specifically designed for Nespresso machines, as it contains a natural solution that dissolves any scale build-up. Other solutions, such as vinegar, could damage your Nespresso machine and void the warranty.

8. Alternates Blinking Orange, then White 3 Times, then Steady Light (Descale Alert)

When you notice this light, it indicates that your Machine requires descaling soon, but there’s no need to rush. Take this opportunity to ensure you have a descaling solution available and schedule a date for running the descaling program.

How to Descale your Nespresso Machine?

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  1. First, acquire the Nespresso descaling kit if you possess it (refer to the Amazon link provided). Alternatively, prepare a solution by combining equal parts of water and vinegar. While we suggest using the descaling solution instead of vinegar, if you don’t have it at your disposal and need to descale it, you may use vinegar. Nonetheless, could you refrain from making it a routine?
  2. After emptying the water tank with the Nespresso descaling agent (following the amount indicated on the bottle) or opt for the vinegar solution.
  3. Position a receptacle beneath the coffee dispenser to collect the liquid and activate your device.
  4. Each coffee machine has specific descaling instructions that should be followed. It is recommended to visit Nespresso’s website to access these instructions. Additionally, the video below demonstrates Vertuo Next’s descaling process.
  5. After completing the cycle, rinse your Machine with two to three freshwater cycles to remove any remaining descaling solution. Congratulations! Your coffee machine has been successfully descaled and should be functioning correctly.

How to Out of Descale of your Nespresso Machine?

Nespresso machines often have flashing lights due to accidentally activating the descaling mode. If the lights are rapidly flashing for an extended period, it is likely that the Machine is in descale mode and should be exited. To do so, hold down the flashing buttons for six to eight seconds until the machine beeps, then release the button, and the system should exit the descaling mode automatically. If this does not resolve the issue, refer to our comprehensive guide on troubleshooting Nespresso machines stuck in descaling mode.


The blinking orange light on your Nespresso machine is merely an alert for minor issues such as overheating, overloading, or cleaning. If you can identify the cause, fixing the issue is straightforward. We have listed all possible reasons for the blinking light, and once you have determined the cause, reset your coffee maker. This guide is useful if you are experiencing this problem.

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