How to do Flooring Your First Home (Practicality & Finesse)


Wonderinf on how to do flooring your first home? When you buy your first home or you are looking to renovate it, one of the biggest mistakes new owners make is underestimating how important flooring is. However, here are a few tips to help you make the best choice for your house and needs.

Types of flooring

How to do Flooring Your First Home

There are many types and variations of flooring, but six of the most common are hardwood, laminate, linoleum, tile, stone, carpet, and concrete. Each has its pros and cons and will look and feel different depending on the room and house it is in. 

1. Hardwood

Hardwood flooring is arguably some of the best-looking but can look and feel different depending on your location and the weather you experience. Hardwood is great for colder climates, as it makes the room feel warmer, but if you looked at homes for rent in Los Angeles, for example, hardwood can make the space feel hot as it absorbs heat and has no cooling effects.

2. Laminate

Laminate flooring is a great option for those who want the look of hardwood or tile but want to keep the costs low. While laminate can chip easily, it isn’t prone to being scratched and is easy to clean and maintain.

3. Linoleum

Linoleum is another affordable flooring choice for first-time homeowners. It is inexpensive, eco- and DIY-friendly, and comes in a wide variety of colors and patterns. On the downside, it typically doesn’t increase home value and can be dented easily.

4. Tile

While not common for entire houses to be tiled, tiles are a brilliant choice for rooms that see a lot of moisture, such as bathrooms. Tiles are waterproof and long-lasting but can be expensive and difficult to install if you are not a professional.

5. Stone

Stone flooring is similar to tiles. While it can add a level of elegance and style to a space, stone is very tricky to install and can become very expensive very quickly. However, if used sparingly, it can add a unique and beautiful touch to a space.

6. Carpet

Carpeting typically falls in between something like hardwood and tiling. It can be warm and welcoming but challenging to keep clean. However, for bedrooms and living rooms in particular, you can’t get better than a soft and cozy carpet underfoot. Check also: How to Cut a Rug without it Fraying?

7. Concrete 

Concrete flooring isn’t very common, but it can be a great option for those wanting a more industrial look or those in warmer climates. It can be relatively affordable, and with the help of a professional, a large space can be covered quite quickly. However, concrete can get exceptionally cold, with carpets almost being necessary in some circumstances.

What to Consider when Choosing a Floor

What to Consider when Choosing a Floor

When choosing flooring for your first home, there are a few things you need to remember and consider to ensure you make the right choices.

1. Climate

The first thing you need to think about is the climate of the area you are living in. Is it relatively warm? Do you experience a lot of rain, or do you live somewhere that is cold for most of the year?

As mentioned, concrete and tiles are great for hot climates, while wood and carpeting are better for colder areas. Humidity also plays a factor, as wood reacts to a lot of moisture and can change its shape and strength over time, for example.

2. Children & pets

Another factor to consider is if you have pets, children, or both. If food or mud is dropped on the tile, it will be far easier to clean than if the same things were dropped on the carpet. Wood and carpet can also take in smells, meaning a room can develop a scent after a few years. Check also: How to Insulate a Floor from The Top.

All these reasons will impact the decision you eventually make. Carefully consider where you have certain types of flooring and how often that flooring will come into contact with something that could cause lasting damage.

3. Affordable variations

While it has already been said that there are some flooring varieties that can be expensive, it is still important to remember that more affordable options exist. Off-cuts are typically a very inexpensive and common route to go, especially when designing a house or room.

Considering companies are looking to provide “perfect” tiles or pieces of wood, there are often a lot of pieces that are almost perfect that are discarded. Therefore, you can get a wood floor at an affordable price if you don’t mind a few slight imperfections and variations in shape. Check also: Cheaper Alternative to Self Leveling Compound.

4. DIY or professional installation?

Unless you have a fairly large home or redecorating budget, you may find yourself needing to do some DIY in your home. Fear not, though; a few YouTube tutorials and some patience will have you installing flooring on your own in no time.

While this certainly won’t apply to all types of flooring, it is possible to install flooring yourself with little knowledge and only a few tools.

Choosing the perfect flooring doesn’t have to be stressful if you know what you are looking for and how it will change the look and feel of your house. Using these tips, you will not only choose the best flooring but flooring you will love every time you look at it.

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