From Chaos to Clutter-Free: Expert Tips for Home Organisation and Cleaning


Living in a clean space is good for your mental and physical health and helps reduce anxiety as you have order and have less cluttering around you. 

Home organisation can be difficult to keep up if you are unsure where to begin, and with busy lives and full schedules, it can take time to remember where everything goes. 

If you want to find more tips and hacks on having an organised home, you can read more cleaning tips for a sparkling home to find easy-to-use methods. 

Expert Tips and Tricks for Home Organisation and Cleaning 

Expert Tips and Tricks

Having a clean home gives you a sense of pride and makes it easier for you to invite people into your space. 

These tips and tricks can help you find ways that make keeping your home decluttered and clean easier. You can use these tips throughout your home and leave it looking neat and tidy all the time.  

1. Hang some hooks 

If you have limited cabinet space, hang some hooks in the bathroom to avoid clutter on the counter space when you are taking a bath or getting ready. 

These hooks can be used for towels and for robes when you are taking a bath or having a shower. You can also hang hooks behind bedroom doors and inside wardrobes/closets which gives you more hanging space.  You can also save some space using bed alternatives for small spaces.

2. Clean out your pantry/cupboards 

Cleaning out your pantry and food cupboards can help declutter your kitchen area. Oftentimes bulk buy can make the cupboards full or unnecessary items that were on sale or never used can take up space. 

Clearing out these can help save on space and also help you notice which products are wasting away in your pantry. This way you only buy the food items that you regularly use and have the storage space for. Check no space for fridge in kitchen for tips.

Once you have thrown out the things that you don’t need or cannot use, you can group your food stuff together in sections with neat labels which makes everything easy to find and replace. 

3. Clean your closet/wardrobe regularly

cleaning closet

Having too much clothes while never being able to find anything to wear can be quite the dilemma. Try to clean out as much of your clothes so that you can find the ones that don’t fit, you don’t wear anymore and the ones that you have been saving for a special occasion. 

Pack the clothes that you wear frequently in the front or within reach so that you don’t scratch too far in the back to find something that you want.

Use hangers to hang coats and pants that would take up too much shelf space and this way it’s easier to put back and reach when you need them. 

All the clothes that you are throwing out that are in good condition can be donated so that they can find new owners instead of just being thrown out.  

4. Use storage boxes 

Using storage boxes is another way you can keep your house clean and decluttered. Section items into boxes for storage such as toiletries, cleaning supplies, extra linen and towels can all be boxed into storage boxes and placed on shelfs or in cupboards. You can also use solid wood end tables made in USA for more aesthetic style.

These storage boxes do not always have to be your standard plastic box with a tight sealed lid, scout around for wicker or wooden boxes if that fits your furniture style. 

In your kids room (if you have them) these can be used to store their toys and other necessity items that makes clean up time a breeze. 

5. Tie up any loose cables and cords 

cable organizer

In every room there are cords and cables from appliances that might be in the way and add to the clutter. Be sure to section together the cables that are from the appliances plugged into the same socket to prevent a mess of cords by using a cable tie to neat the layout. 

If you can run them along the wall or along the floor boards out of the way it can prevent injuries such as tripping over them by hooking in your foot or slipping over them if you walk in the house.

6. Ensuring a Pest-Free Home with a Professional Pest Cleaner

Living in a clean and clutter-free environment is not just about organization; it’s also about ensuring a pest-free home. No matter how well-kept your space is, pests can still find their way in. Consider hiring a professional pest cleaner for effective pest management. Their expertise can help prevent infestations and address any existing issues, contributing to a healthier and more comfortable living space.


Decluttering and cleaning constantly can be a tiring thing especially if you are the only one doing it.

However, it’s important to remember the value of decluttering and letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose. Consider selling or giving away secondhand jewelry like engagement rings and other belongings that are no longer of use to you. By decluttering and organizing your home, you not only create a clean and tidy space but also contribute to sustainability by giving new life to unwanted items. 

Using these above mentioned tips can help manage how often you clean as these are easy to implement and anyone can do it. 

By creating a designated space in each area for certain products or items, replacing them becomes easier when they are out of their place as they have their own space to fill and will easily be noticeable once things have been moved. 

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